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A member registered Jan 03, 2023

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Winter lights has a great atmosphere. The colours, snowfall and how my steps stay on the snow make me think I am outside in the winter scenery. The steps in the snow also act as a guide, as they stay for a while so in the beginning when I didn’t know where to go, they guided me to where I hadn’t visited yet. The sound idea is beautiful, but maybe the default music loop could have faded away, so I am able to enjoy the sounds I find in the nature to the fullest. Oh and I liked how you signified the sounds with colors as well. Great work!

I love the theme and idea of Date Night. You mentioned before that you wanted it to feel like a cozy night in, which you have definitely succeeded. It tastes like a slice of life. Your choice of keeping the romantic interest unisex is smart, to reach a wider target audience. I tested both short & long versions, with different options. I was surprised that they ended together in each version.
You definitely have a knack for writing. Keep up the good work!

I enjoyed this suspenseful story game. How the story unfolds and the mystery is slowly revealed… The start of the story was good to hook the reader, when protagonist found items of her friends. 
One bug: the ”run upstairs” option takes me outside of the cabin every time.
It was great how the questions were answered enough to keep the interest, while the mystery was left open enough to uphold the curiosity. I would like to know mory of the man in the frozen lake, and Jessie! Great work everyone!

The last winter is a great group effort and a very interesting concept. Great to see different kinds of games made in the jam. The art style suits the game well and adds to the mysterious feel. The music has good feeling of suspense.
The story of the child and Wyatt were engaging. Wyatt’s story was more about the character itself, when the story of the child told about the world, and made the player understand the meaning of the campfire.
I wish we could have heard a bit more about Wyatt’s story. 
I loved the sensation of discovery when reading through all the different branches of the stories. The end note is uplifting, with a message to the player to ”create their own story. This type of text adventure is great in that if you ever get inspired to continue adding to the world, this concept could be easily expanded. Great work guys!

Nuts! It’s cold outside is an ambitious project! It has a lovely world full of cute graphics, with many different environments and characters. You you were able to create small animals as well as more complicated human characters in pixel art, surrounding charming theme of a squirrel preparing for winter.  (I appreciate the pun of the metal nuts.)

However, I was not able to get the mechanic to notice my metal nuts. I searched all the screens and tried a different order in how I collect them and talk to characters. But I could not understand how to forward the game, which is a bummer! But I can see how much effort went into this, and how vast the world is from the trailer. You have poured a lot of love into this project. I love your passion and hope you get to do great things with it in the future! Great work!

You have a very charming game! A great outcome for 6-10 hours of work. The graphics are very cute, and I like how the key items and characters are color-coded.
Often a door or stairs are a gameplay element, so I did try to enter the house though. It might look less like a space to enter if you take the stairs out, not a big deal though.
It would also be a nice cherry on top if there was a victory screen before the game starts again. I enjoyed the puzzles, as I went to the forest first, and then found the fish for the bear, so I had this ”a-ha!” Moment. The puzzles fit the ”lost in the woods” story very well too - it's a great feeling when design complements the narrative. Great work!